
Showing posts from June, 2017

Meal Timing Regulates the Human Circadian System

Source:- Source link Human life clock also know as circadian clock is not only responsible for timing our sleep, but it can effect out eating, social and economical behavior. This can be seen now a days with most of the young and working people. A scientific paper posted on tell us about the relation between our circadian system and our eating habits and at which time do we prefer to take our food in a day. It was seen that people having their meal after of before their eating time had much less sleep or had trouble sleeping. Highlights • A 5-hr delay in meal times changes the phase relationship of human circadian rhythms • Plasma glucose, but not insulin or triglyceride, rhythms are delayed by late meals • Adipose  PER2  rhythms are delayed by late meals • Rhythm changes occur without altered subjective or actigraphic sleep markers Summary Circadian rhythms, metabolism, and nutrition are intimately linked [ 1 ,  2 ], althou...